Dec 16, 2008

Hyperlink - Serpentine Gallery Art Pavilion 2008 by Frank Gehry 超链接 - 伦敦蛇形画廊临建展厅 2008

Photos provided by Serpentine Gallery - John Offenbach, Iwan Bann

Maybe it is because art spaces hold themselves as great temples that going to galleries and other art spaces became a formal thing to most people. And then, all art institutions spare no effort in promoting their exhibitions in mass media and sending invitations. The result is usually attracting a lot of insiders in the opening day, but very few visitors during the exhibition. By creating a temporary structure that connects the official art space and people around, Serpentine Gallery gives us a new approach to the aucience.


The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion commission is part of the gallery’s ongoing programme of temporary structures by internationally renowned architects. Since the architecture commission was launched in 2000, it has resulted in landmark temporary structures and attracts approximately 250,000 visitors annually.

英国伦敦的蛇形画廊(Serpentine Gallery)给我们提供了一个不一样的思考方式。自从2000年开始,这家著名的英国画廊每年夏季都会委托一位建筑大师在画廊所处的肯辛顿公园(Royal Park of Kensington Gardens)做一个临建展厅(pavilion)。结果是,这一项目每年吸引的参观者达25万人次,成了伦敦每年夏季时节的地标、举办活动的绝佳场所和人们口中的话题。

Architect for this year's pavilion, Frank Gehry said: “The Pavilion is designed as a wooden timber structure that acts as an urban street running from the park to the existing Gallery. Inside the Pavilion, glass canopies are hung from the wooden structure to protect the interior from wind and rain and provide shade during sunny days. The Pavilion is much like an amphitheatre, designed to serve as a place for live events, music, performance, discussion and debate. As the visitor walks through the Pavilion they have access to terraced seating on both sides of the urban street. In addition to terraced seating there are two elevated seating pods, which are accessed around the perimeter of the Pavilion. These pods serve as visual markers enclosing the street and can be used as stages, private viewing platforms and dining areas.”

今年临建展厅的建筑师弗兰克·盖瑞(Frank Gehry)说:“这个木结构的临建展厅是一个将人们从公园引入正式画廊的步道。走到展厅内部,悬吊在木结构上方的玻璃天蓬能够为人们遮风挡雨庇荫。这个展厅很像一个露天剧场,为音乐演出和艺术活动提供场地。展厅两旁有阶梯状的座位,供人们路过休息或看演出的时候使用。除了这些梯状座位,展厅还配有两个台榭,可以从展厅的侧面登上。这些台榭使步道看上去更像富于变化的城市街道,同时可以用作开幕和餐饮活动的区域。”


See also INTERIOR DESIGN China official website 另见《室内设计》杂志官方网站:

For full text of the article(Chinese), please e-mail me at


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