Dec 17, 2008

Melted in the Atmosphere of Nature and Art - Your Black Horizon Art Pavilion ........................ 消融在自然与艺术气息之中 - “你的黑色地平线”短期展馆

Photos provided by Michael Strasser/Thyssen-Borenmisza Art Contemporary, 2007

Imagine a closed architecture with colors of sky in it, 


you go into the darkroom from a lush green hill to gaze at the light, 

and then go outside, finding the horizon colored by sunset afterglow with the residual light on your eyeground.

This is the Art Pavilion called Your Black Horizon that just finished it's show on the Lopud island in Crotia. In an interdisciplinary approach, merging the fields of art and architecture, Danish-Iclandic artist Olafur Eliasson and London-based architect David Adjaye were commissioned by Thyssen- Bornemisza Art Contemporary (T-B A21) to conceive an environment in which ephemeral visual appearance and architectural formulations were considered as “an interlocking equation”.

Your black horizon Art Pavilion was inaugurated in June 2005 as an official project at the 51st Venice Biennale of Visual Arts and moved to Lopud in 2007 into a completely different context.

这就是在克罗地亚Lopud岛上刚刚结束的Your Black Horizon(你的黑色地平线)短期展馆(pavilion)项目,一个将当代艺术与建筑结构相互结合形成的作品,由丹麦-冰岛艺术家Olafur Eliasson和伦敦建筑师David Adjaye在奥地利Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (T-B A21)基金会的委托和赞助下合作完成。在这之前,Your Black Horizon作为威尼斯双年展的正式项目在2005年揭幕;而在2007年,它被整个搬到Lopud岛,一个完全不同的环境之中。

“The pavilions are intended as spaces searching for new models of artistic and architectural engagement with specific sites. This project celebrates impermanence, and it’s interaction with nature and local communities, trying to engage a wider appreciation of the role of art in unexpected sites and circumstances, which is a driving force behind T-B A21,” states Francesca von Habsburg, patron to this project and chairman of T-B A21.

这个短期展馆是关于艺术与建筑在特定场地深度结合新模式的一次探索。它强调了美的稍纵即逝,还有作品与自然和当地社区环境之间的互动,试图让艺术在人们意想不到的地点和环境中更加充分扮演它的角色。”  Francesca von Habsburg,该项目赞助方—T-B A21基金会主席如是说。


See also INTERIOR DESIGN China official website 另见《室内设计》杂志官方网站:

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