Dec 19, 2008

Fashion Mission of an Art Space - .................... CHANEL Mobile Art Pavilion ............................. 艺术空间,为时尚漂移 - 香奈儿移动艺术馆

Photos provided by CHANEL
Central Park, New York, October 2008 

Morning joggers in NY's Central Park may have been used to all kinds of surprises the city gave to them, but this time, what appeared in front of their eyes is an extraterrestrial spacecraft like jumbo, which have already traveled to Hongkong and Tokyo with works created by 20 artists from different places and times inside. Surprise was more than this to fashion fans, because the mobile art space was tagged by a legendary logo: CHANEL.


Realization of the Mobile Dream

Mobile architecture is a dream shared by many architects; artists and litterateurs have never stopped their imaginations either - from the Laputa in "Gulliver's Travels" to "Howl's Moving Castle" by Hayao Miyazaki.

Now, we seem to have taken a big stride forward to that dream with CHANEL Mobile Art - a collaboration between Karl Lagerfeld and Zaha Hadid. Zaha explains this process, “The complexity and technological advances in digital imaging software and construction techniques have made the  architecture of the Mobile Art Pavilion possible. It is an architectural language of fluidity and nature,driven by new digital design  and manufacturing processes which have enabled us to create the Pavilion’s totally organic forms – instead of the serial order of repetition that marks the architecture of the industrial twentieth century.”


如今,在时尚大师Karl Lagerfeld和建筑大师Zaha Hadid的联手打造下,CHANEL Mobile Art这个移动艺术馆让我们朝这个梦想大大地前进了一步。关于构思过程,Zaha解释道:“有赖数码成像软件及建造技术在复杂性和技术性方面的发展,展览馆的计划得以梦想成真。这是强调流动和自然的建筑风格,辅以新的数码设计和制造过程,令我们可以顺利设计了展览馆的流线外形——摒弃了20世纪建筑统一而工整的特色。“ 

Art as Media for Fashion, Architecture as Media for Art

Mobile Art was commissioned by CHANEL and conceived by the company’s renowned designer Karl Lagerfeld. It was originally imagined as a means to mark the first appearance fifty years ago of the iconic CHANEL “2.55” quilted stitched-leather handbag. That bag and the traditions of the factory in France, where it is still made today, were presented to Zaha Hadid and the participating artists as jumping off points for their contributions to Mobile Art. The resulting exhibition is a multi-dimensional meditation on fashion as a powerful, exciting, sometimes perverse and occasionally poignant conductor of fantasy, identity, culture and selfexpression.

This is an art exhibition driven by architecture. Karl Lagerfeld was very excited when talking about the idea of a mobile art pavilion, "Normally, people travel to see a museum. Here, the museum travels.”In an interview with The New York Times, Zaha Hadid said she liked the idea that the pavilion "lands, creates a buzz and disappears".

Mobile Art由CHANEL发起,并由品牌享负盛誉的设计师Karl Lagerfeld构思,原意是为了纪念于50多年前面世的CHANEL经典“2.55”菱格纹手袋。Zaha Hadid和各参与艺术家曾造访位于法国生产“2.55"的手袋厂,了解手袋的细节和制件上的传统,为Mobile Art的创作撷取灵感。这个展览对时装作出多方面的探讨,带出时装是既权威又刺激,以不墨守成规的自我风格,间或带有批判性或尖锐的态度,反映了各人的幻想、个性、文化和自我表达方式。

这是一个由建筑带动的艺术展。Karl Lagerfeld说道移动艺术馆的概念时很兴奋:“平常,人们是旅行去看艺术馆;现在,艺术馆踏上了旅途。” 这个奇妙的建筑就如飞行的UFO,将于亚洲、美国和欧洲多个大城市着陆,于各地停留数周。在纽约时报采访中,Zaha Hadid说她就是喜欢让这个临建馆(pavilion)“着陆,发声,然后消失”。

Hong Kong, Feb.-Apr. 2008

Dialogue between Art Space and the Environment

Hong Kong 香港

There seem to be no better place for CHANEL Mobile Art to kick off it's fabulous urban tour of fashion and art (2008-2010: Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York, L.A., London, Moscow, Paris). A criticism by Jonathan Napack (Art Basel advisor and strategist in Asia, Journalist, 1967-2007) cited in an article from ArtForum noted that the town “went directly from feudal poverty to postmodern consumerism without an intervening stage of ‘modernity.’”  Whilst from architecture point of view, Hong Kong is famous for it's modernism architecture, while Zaha is consistent with her quest for complex, dynamic and fluid spaces in CHANEL Mobile Art, which stood it out against the background and changed the landscape nearby.

2008至2010年CHANEL巡回展览城市——香港东京纽约洛杉矶伦敦莫斯科巴黎——来看,所经之地均为时尚重镇。第一站选在了中国香港,跟这座城市的超前的消费文化决然不无关系。ArtForum的一篇文章中引用了已故巴塞尔艺术博览会顾问及亚洲战略发展策划总监Jonathan Napack给予香港的评价,说这座城市是“无须任何现代化’中转阶段,就封建落后直接进入了后现代消费”。 建筑风格方面,香港是有名的现代主义建筑实验室,Zaha则钟情于复杂、充满动力和流动的空间。她设计的这个富于弧形和流线型的白色展览馆充满了流动的线条美凌空而立,与周围的建筑语言形成了鲜明的对比,改变了附近区域的城市地貌。

Tokyo, May.-Jul. 2008
New York, Oct. 2008

Tokyo, New York 东京,纽约

Site selection for the next two stops of CHANEL Mobile Art - Yoyogi Park in Tokyo and Rumsey Playfield in Central Park, New York -  went green and quiet, but they are both popular venues of culture and leisure in the very downtown - very close to the CHANEL stores too. Arrival of the art pavilion brought a new atmosphere to the neighborhood. Especially for Central Park, the representative work of Frederick Law Olmsted, father of American landscape architecture, Zaha's artificial landscape of the  21st century gave the surrounding area a totally new outlook. 

CHANEL Mobile Art接下来的两站则几乎走到了香港选址喧闹环境的对面,都是公园中闹中取静市民文化休闲活动的场所。艺术馆的到来为当地的市民生活带来了新鲜的艺术气氛,当然——它离CHANEL的门店也不远。CHANEL Mobile Art的建筑放中央公园还有一个特殊的意义:纽约中央公园是美国景观设计之父奥姆斯特德(Frederick Law Olmsted, 1822-1903)最著名的代表作在其规划建设中特别诞生了一个新的学科——景观设计学(Landscape Architecture)。Zaha Hadid的21世纪人造曲线地貌与公园的历史人造地貌在此相映成趣。


Note: According to latest news, considering the current economic crisis, the Mobile Art tour after New York has been canceled - what more can I say?

注:根据最新消息,由于经济危机,这个移动艺术馆在纽约之后的巡展都取消了 - 真不知道还能说什么。

For full text of the article(Chinese), please e-mail me at


1 comment:

  1. Sadly, the exhibition has been suspended with the tsunami. Hope its journey around the world cities will be resumed later.

